Lockdown Improv!!!

What’s the next line?!

Choose any or all of the dialogues below and submit the next line. We’ll update ASAP and then the next line can be added! If more than one line comes in at a time, we might make two different versions of each script. We have started a few for you…

1. Put the chocolate bar back on the shelf before someone sees you!

A: Put the chocolate bar back on the shelf before someone sees you!

B. No one will see me, I’ll eat it really quickly. (Lilly)

A: Except the huge, chunky shop security dude standing right behind you! and I don’t think he’s very happy… (Beau)

B: He looks friendly maybe he just wants some too! (Sophie)

A: Don’t worry I’ll pay for you. (Devon)

C: You’re supposed to pay for the goods before you eat them! (Kevin)

B: Who cares if you eat just one? Oh wait.. he’s armed, nevermind. (Oscar)

A: But, it’s a water gun..or is it? (Matilda)

B: Water guns taste nice at least (Ryan)

What’s the next line? You decide:

2. Can you keep a secret?

A: Can you keep a secret?

B: Yes, of course, like who can’t keep a secret, cause I definitely can. (Lilly)

C: Secret, what secret? Tell me your secret! (Devon)

A: Go away! It’s got nothing to do with you. (Kevin)

C: Come on!! Just tell us! (Oscar)

A: Why should I? (Chloe)

C: Well you told us about the Mafia so why not? (Ryan)

What’s the next line? You decide:

3. That little bird up there just spoke to me!

A: That little bird up there spoke to me!

B: Yes of course the bird spoke to you, how clever of you to hear that, even though you’re only four. (Lilly)

A: It told me you’ve been a naughty mummy. (Kevin)

B: Come on son don’t be rude to your mummy! (Oscar)

A: But you fed globa gliba, my pet goldfish, to Garfield! (Ryan)

What’s the next line? You decide:

4. Good morning. Would you be interested in buying some odd-socks?

A: Good morning. Would you be interested in buying some odd socks?

B: Yes, but can I have a thousand? (Devon)

A: A thousand! Why do you need that many? (Kevin)

B: Because I’ve got a thousand feet! (Devon)

A: Of course you do. Name every toe. (Ryan)

What’s the next line? You decide:

5. Stop right there! You can’t say things like that!

A. Stop right there! You can’t say things like that!

B. I just did! (Kevin)

A. This child is now in tears, I mean you’re 40 for goodness sake! Now apologise! (Beau)

C: But it’s fine, the kid doesn’t understand him anyway! (Devon)

D: I do! You called me a snotty little brat. (Kevin)

B: But you are a snotty little brat. Your puny whining sickens me! (Oscar)

D: I like your funny words magic man. (Ryan)

What’s the next line? You decide:

6. Stay where you are! Don’t move an inch!

A: Stay where you are! Don’t move an inch!

B: Why? There’s a spider on my shoe and I need to get it off. (Sophie)

A: Mmm I don’t think it’s a spider….let me have a closer look….Hmm yep it’s definitely dog poo. (Devon)

B: Dog poo?? It smells like cat poo to me. Yup, definitely cat poo. (Oscar)

A: Cat poooooo? May I… eat it? (Ryan)

What’s the next line? You decide:

7. We’ll have to be really quiet.

A: We’ll have to be really quiet.

B: Psst! Dave I can feel a fart coming on… oh no here it comes (insert fart noise here) (Beau)

A: You idiot. You’ve set off the burglar alarm! (Kevin)

B: Burglar alarm?! I thought this was a library?! (Devon)

A: INADEQUATE FOOL. This is Chuc Norris’s library! (Ryan)

What’s the next line? You decide:

8. You can’t just get up and leave the table! What’s wrong?

A: You can’t just get up and leave the table! What’s wrong?

B: Ummmm….. I have to go and ummmmmm……. eeerrrrrr….. build a ummmm….. life size model of the Eiffel Tower out of pasta……….. (Beau)

A: Mmmmmmmmmmm, paaaaasssstttaaaaaaaa!! (Devon)

C: Can I help you with the model? (Oscar)

B: …Maybe. but not when I’m eating I mean playing with the Axalotl Kim jun un.

What’s the next line? You decide:

9. Mr President. Please can you come out of the cupboard?

A. Mr President. Please can you come out of the cupboard?

B. I’m….er….busy. Go away! (Kevin)

A. It’s me Biden! I have won so this cupboard now belongs to me! (Beau)

B: What are you doing in the Whitehouse anyway! You can’t just walk in here and tell me to get out of my own cupboard! (Devon)

A: Your cupboard? No, this belongs to Mr Tiddles. Get off his property!! (Oscar)

B: Who is Mr Tiddles? (Chloe)

What’s the next line? You decide:

10. Sacked? But I thought I was doing a good job!

A: Sacked? But I thought I was doing a good job!

B: You were doing a good job, its just a few small things, like how you poison the customers, you work at a restaurant for god sakes. (Lilly)


B: See! How do you explain that? (Chloe)

D: *enters dave* Frog? Are you dead yet? If so, say something if I can’t eat you. 

What’s the next line? You decide: